Back then it looked so beautiful from my terrace. It gave me a sense of freedom…gave wings to my imagination. Looking at it from across the river Kharkai, was so fulfilling that I would simply sit on the stairs of water-tank, wondering…how it could look so perfect…so picture perfect!!!
Yes, back then I used to dream of being a photographer…teaching myself techniques, required to become a photographer.
I used to watch Discovery a lot…probably it was my only connection to the world outside my house as I was literally in house-arrest. Somewhere, on Discovery I had heard that nature has a lot to offer …all you need is to learn to frame your picture. I would simply walk on the terrace trying to capture it between two trees, from different angles.
And, down stairs, in the kitchen, my mother would ponder over the thoughts yelling in her head. Thoughts that her daughter was half crazy…which I accept with grace now. Yes it was crazy to stare at the Chimneys every day…for minutes…I would have stared at it for hours if I wasn’t scared of my mother. I knew it very well that she would scold me if I stayed just about a bit longer, so I would give it about 15-20 mins everyday.
Well my mother was just scared… scared for me, that I would loose all my sanity. That I dream and dream some more…and she had no clue what was I dreaming of.
I was scared too. I was scared to tell her my dreams. Well, there were so many dreams and so many ideas that I myself was unsure of which one to follow.
Now that I have accepted the cruelty of life that you can’t expect all the dreams to come true, I am so much in sync with myself and ready to share my dreams with people I know.
Yes it was my dream to become a photographer and capture that beautiful Brick-chimney, between the two trees, at the edges of the frame, against Kharkai and sun just about to melt into the water of Kharkai river.
So, in this painting I’ve put the same Chimney in the center…its not the same frame…its just an imagination…